Friday, 13 June 2008


Chris Martin, shown here apparently sleeping in a bus station, has caused a ruckus by criticising BBC Radio 4 to its face, and momentarily walking out of an interview because he "doesn't like talking about stuff." Sorry, what?

Even the BBC seems to be a bit taken aback by this rather unprofessional behavior. I don't know a huge amount about Coldplay's new album, but I seem to recall reading in various places that the whole revolutionary theme was deliberate, so Martin should probably have expected that in an interview, there was a small chance he might be asked about why and how he applied this theme to the music. If he didn't want to talk, he shouldn't have done the interview. Wasn't he all about making a statement and using his celebrity status to promote Make Trade Fair or whatever a few years ago? Didn't he claim when Coldplay first got popular that he wanted attention? I know times change, Chris ol' buddy, but if you really wanted to hide away from the limelight you could probably do so. If you had the slightest thread of selflessness in you, you might have considered that making a big deal out of answering a normal question made it incredibly awkward not only for the interviewer, John Wilson (who was worried he'd upset Martin), but also for your monosyllabic drummer, Will Champion (who had to pretend he cared about how Martin pens his trite music). Furthermore, there are more polite and professional ways to refuse to answer a question than having a mini hissy-fit and going for a little cry. Hopefully Gwyneth and Pomegranate gave him the loving support he needed that day; everyone else just thinks he's a twat.

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